Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?


A fully charged battery with a capacity of 40 kW will enable you to drive 200 to 250 kilometers. If you drive sensibly, you will achieve even more. Speed has the most effect on the amount of power drawn down from your battery, so you are advised to keep to the permitted speed limits.

There are also other factors that may have an effect on your driving range:

  • high or low temperatures (resulting in continuous operation of the air conditioning/heating
  • a (too) sporty driving style
  • driving with a strong headwind
  • a fully loaded car
  • driving uphill for a long period of time

Depending on the model, you can drive approximately 100 to more than 500 kilometers with a full battery. This makes an electric vehicle highly suitable for daily home-work travel.

In addition to speed and driving style, weather conditions can affect the battery capacity:

  • strong winds
  • extremely high temperatures which result in continued use of the air conditioning
  • extremely low temperatures which result in continued use of the heating system. Unlike vehicles with a conventional motor where the engine's residual heat is used, an electric vehicle needs to generate heat using energy from the battery